It’s important to know that bringing music to children’s lives means allowing them to experience the sensitivities of life. And it can help create emotions, like no other activity can produce. Speaking physically, just as the gross motor skills are important to develop through running and jumping activities, the fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination that develop through playing the piano are just as important and could be “more useful” in everyday life. Therefore, if young children have both experiences, the more balanced they will become in life skills, physically and emotionally.
Science tells us that the younger our children start consistently practicing a musical instrument, the earlier their brains engage in what we might think of as an aerobic workout, which leads to better cognitive functions, increased coordination, and eventually better performance in school and other areas of their lives. The challenge is not IF a child should have music lessons at 3 years old, it is IF you can find a qualified teacher and program for that preschool age.
Imagine what happens when children incorporate an online music program with a virtual teacher that provides excitement to their practicing with musical games and activities, in the comfort of their home with parents right beside them helping them along the way? Add a digital piano where even a preschooler can add an orchestra to a simple melody. Well, you have just expanded the brain workout exponentially, and the best part, the children have fun with the entire experience with no inhibitions because they are comfortable in their own environment.
Pianokids is a piano program using age-appropriate materials for 3 to 6 years old. Using technology to support the curriculum, the online Piano Studio includes an energetic Virtual Piano Teacher to guide children and parents through the lessons. There are fun games and reward activities when songs are learned, and prizes sent right to the children when practice stickers are selected online. Pianokids is a proven piano method that provides parents with creative tools they need to start their preschool children on their musical journey.
In the preschool years, a child's parents and caregivers play the most vital role in the mental, physical and emotional growth of their youngsters. Enabling your child to play the piano can provide a happy bonding time as your encouragement and applause are all part of the process. Feel that you aren's musical? Don’t worry, remember that Pianokids® is easy and fun, and that goes for parents as well!
Learning a Musical Instrument as a Child
Research has shown that learning to play an instrument does amazing stuff for developing brains: it improves both IQ and verbal memory. Mathematical ability in particular is impacted. How so? Playing music creates novel connections between different parts of the brain and engages multiple parts of our grey matter at the same time, thus making our brains more powerful.
The piano is actually one of the easiest for beginners: simply press a key and a clear sound is produced. Learning to play the keyboard imparts patience, focus, and concentration, as even simple music requires a child to focus. It improves motor skills and hand-eye coordination. And playing an instrument reduces stress and provides an avenue towards positive self-esteem. After all, who doesn’t feel good when they discover they can create music with their own hands?
Learning to play the keyboard will help your child develop good taste for and a love of music which will stay with them for a lifetime.
Your Pianokids Online Piano Studio Subscription will give you access to a number of useful tools and additional resources. Upon logging in you will find:
You’ll find your piano teacher helping you and your child in every lesson.
Background music for your child’s songs for added fun.
Music learning tools to support the lessons.
Progress at their own pace
Kids often want to repeat the same activity over and over when they enjoy it. And that’s fine—that’s how they learn. There is no rush at this age. They can move on to new materials according to their interest and when they feel ready. On the other hand, if your child is a fast learner, they can keep moving ahead with new material, rather than feeling bored waiting for the next lesson. Or worse, having to repeat things they’ve already mastered because other kids in their music class are slower. With the Pianokids online lessons, you’ll be able to help your child to go at their own speed, while still having structure and a set “piano time” convenient for you.